
Thursday 25 August 2011
Part F: Credits and Acknowledgement

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Photographers - Li Xin, Galton, Stephanie


Sixers on 07:44

Part D: Impact of Man on Jurong Lake Park

A park user preparing to fish.
Construction work being done at the park.

Litter left by park users.

Body of dead fish floating.
Due to littering, fishing and construction work at the park, the number of fishes have declined. As a result of littering and construction work at the park, the water became polluted, thus many fishes died. To prevent extinction of the fishes, I think that park users should not over fish and litter.If the fishes become extinct, the food chain will be affected after a long period of time. And deforestation was implemented for construction work to happen, destroying habitats for many kinds of plants and animals.As a result, many plants and animals might become extinct and the supply of oxygen is being cut down also the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere being removed is lesser. I think that the authorities should plant more trees to replace those trees being destroyed.

Sixers on 07:41

Part B: Grouping and naming organisms

Common name: Apple snail
Scientific name : Pomacea Canaliculata
Phylum/ Division : Mollusa
Class : Gastropoda
Order : Mesogastropoda
Family : Ampullariidae

Apple snails are exceptionally well adapted to tropical regions with periods of drought alternated with periods of excessive rainfall. This adaptation is reflected in their life style; moderately amphibious and being equipped with a shell door enabling the snail to close its shell to prevent drying out while hiding in the mud during dry periods.

Common name: Myna

The myna is a bird of the starling family(Sturnidae). This is a group of passerine birds which occur naturally only in southern and eastern Asia. Several species have been introduced to areas like North America, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand, especially the Common Myna which is often regarded as an invasive species.

Common name: Bird's Nest Fern
Scientific name: Asplenium nidus

The Bird's Nest Fern (Asplenium nidus) is a large leafy fern, commonly found on wayside trees, particularly the Rain Tree in Singapore. The fern grows at the base of large branches and can grow in this soilless condition as it has a unique ability to trap water and develop its own store of humus.

Common name: Ixora

Ixora may be the most common flowering shrubs seen in South Florida and 'Nora Grant' likely the most popular of them all. Related to the gardenia and coffee plants, Ixora is said to be native to Asia and whose name derives from an Indian deity. There are about 400 species spread from Africa to India to Southern Asia. For red color, ixora is popular in warm South Florida with blooms all year long, but maximum beauty is from late spring through the early winter months, peaking in the hot months.

Common name: Pong Pong
Scientific name: Cerbera Odollam

Cerbera odollam, commonly known as pong pong, is a species of tree native to India and other parts of Southern Southern. It grows preferentially in coastal salt swamps and in marshy areas. It grows wild along the coast in many parts of Kerala, India and has been grown as a hedge between home compounds. It yields a potent poison, often used for suicide or murder.

Common name: Mimosa
Scientific name: Mimosa pudica

Mimosa pudica , also called Sensitive Plant, is a creeping annual or perennial herb often grown for its curiosity value; the compound leaves fold inward and droop when touched or shaken, re-opening minutes later. The species is native to South America and Central America, but is now a pantropical weed.

Common name: Dandelion
Scientific name: Taraxacum officinale

Taraxacum officinale, the Common Dandelion, is a herbaceous perennial plant of the family Asteraceae (Compositae). It can be found growing in temperate regions of the world, in lawns, on roadsides, on disturbed banks and shores of water ways, and other areas with moist soils. It is considered a weedy species, especially in lawns and along roadsides, but it is sometimes used as a medical herb and in food preparation. As a nearly cosmopolitan weed, Dandelion is best known for its yellow flower heads that turn into round balls of silver tufted fruits that blow away on the wind.

Other Photos


Sixers on 07:21

Part E : conservation efforts at Jurong Lake Park

PUB has a sign that says no swimming, no live baits, no boating and no littering to reduce water pollution. I think that the authorities is doing their part to safeguard the environment. Despite all efforts done by the government to protect the ecosystem at Jurong Lake Park, some inconsiderate citizens do not abide by the rules and thus punishment is being implemented to those who do not abide to the rules. If the citizens do not help in protecting it but instead worsening it, some living things there might end up facing extinction. In order to protect the environment there, everyone must do their part!

Sixers on 06:25

Part A: Introduction to Jurong Lake Park


        Jurong Lake is a 70ha freshwater lake and reservoir located in the western region of Singapore formed with the damming of Sungei Jurong further downstream. The lake serves as a reservoir contributing to the water supply of the country. It lies next to the Lakeside MRT Station, which derived its name from this geographical feature. The lake is surrounded by parkland, which serves as a recreational ground for nearby residents in Jurong East and Jurong West New Towns. There are several tourist attractions located near or even within the Lake, including the Chinese Garden and the Japenese Garden, which are located on their respective islands within the lake, as well as the nearby Tang Dynasty Village, which has since closed down.

Redevelopment Plan:

The Urban Redevelopment Authority announced a masterplan on 4 April 2008 to transform the area around Jurong Lake to a unique lakeside destination for business and leisure in the next 10 to 15 years.
A new district will be created, named, Jurong Lake District which consists of two precincts, Jurong Gateway and Lakeside. These refer to the areas around the Jurong East MRT Station and Jurong Lake in the west region of Singapore. Jurong Lake and the area around it, known as Lakeside, is the other area in the Jurong Lake District.

These are some of the new developments around Jurong Lake:

        When we arrived at the park, we could see alot of trees. As we went deeper into the park, there were lesser trees and more empty land. We could see some people jogging, and also some people fishing. One of them caught a litter from the lake. At the jetty, we saw one uncle reading newspaper at a shady spot and his grandchild was cycling at a track near the jetty. The trees and plants were interesting because when i take a closer look, i could see small insects living on them. We saw apple snails and its egg. The colourful insects attracted our attention as we had never seen such insects in other places. However, we were disappointed when we saw litters. Bins are provided but why litter? Parks are beautiful place to play and learn.


Sixers on 05:02